For More Information:Lynn Brockmeyer, WPT publicist, 608-263-3364, [email protected] Kathy Bissen, WPT director of production, 608-263-8496, [email protected] On Sunday, Nov. 18, Wisconsin Public Television (WPT) received two Midwest Emmy Awards for news and public affairs work during the past year. WPT received an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement for News Specialty Report/Series – Politics Government for the "Wisconsin: Torn in Two" report that aired on Here and Now, WPT's Wisconsin's weekly in-depth news and public affairs program. The report covered a tumultuous and divisive year in state politics. With the passage of Act 10 — a controversial budget repair bill that ended collective bargaining rights for most public employees — opponents protested at the state capitol and led the effort for a recall vote against Gov. Scott Walker. "Wisconsin: Torn in Two" was produced by WPT's Frederica Freyberg. WPT also received an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement for Public Affairs/Current Affairs Programming – Program/Special for "What's On Your Mind, Wisconsin?" The special features citizens from around the state sharing election-year issues that matter most to them. "What's On Your Mind, Wisconsin?" was produced by WPT's Adam Schrager. Another project that WPT was involved with, Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time, received an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement for Documentary Program — Historical. The documentary — produced by the Aldo Leopold Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, and the Center for Humans and Nature - explores Aldo Leopold's life in the early part of the 20th century and the many ways his land ethic idea continues to be applied today. "Wisconsin viewers are very aware and appreciative of the thorough, in-depth and high quality reporting by WPT's News and Public Affairs team. It's an added bonus to have that work also recognized by the television industry in the granting of these Emmy Awards," said Kathy Bissen, WPT director of production. WPT is a service of the Educational Communications Board and University of Wisconsin-Extension. Wisconsin Public Television is a place to grow through learning on WHA-TV/Madison; WPNE-TV/Green Bay; WHRM-TV/Wausau; WLEF-TV/Park Falls; WHLA-TV/La Crosse; and WHWC-TV/Menomonie-Eau Claire.
Release Date: Mon, Nov 19, 2012
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