LZ Lambeau
On the weekend of May 20-22, 2010, an estimated 70,000 Vietnam veterans, their families, friends and neighbors traveled to Green Bay for three days of tributes, memorials, reunions, camaraderie and brotherhood.
The event featured museum and photography exhibits, a music stage, Vietnam-era vehicles and aircraft, The Moving Wall, community events, a cross-state motorcycle honor rise, school outreach, an ecumenical service and a Tribute Ceremony inside historic Lambeau Field.
LZ Lambeau Photo Galleries
A look back at a few of the highlights from the LZ Lambeau: Welcoming Home Wisconsin’s Vietnam Veterans weekend.
Around the Atrium Photos
At the Big Map
Honor Ride
The Tribute
The Big Map
The 105′X 140′ map of Southeast Asia was a focal point of LZ Lambeau. Veterans returned again and again to retrace their tours of duty and connect with fellow veterans. Veterans who has tried for forty years to put Vietnam behind them now proudly wrote their names on the map, wrote memorials to those they had lost, and share, many for the first time, their stories with their families.

Below are some of the resources we collected to help tell the story of LZ Lambeau and to teach to future generations.
Wisconsin Honor Roll (PDF)
The Wisconsin Historical Society has compiled a list of Wisconsin servicemen and women who were KIA-MIA during the Vietnam War.
Fact Sheet (PDF)
Demographic facts about the Vietnam War and the involvement of servicemen and women from Wisconsin including a time line of incidents mentioned by veterans in Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories.
Activities and Information for Students and Educators (PDF)
Along with maps and other resources, there are excerpts from the documentary with accompanying transcripts.
Below is a list of resources to help other stations or community groups produce their own signature event. We know from experience that Vietnam veterans in your area will greatly appreciate your efforts.
The Big Map Files
The map was printed on vinyl flex, the same material used by outdoor advertising companies for billboards. It is waterproof, offers good traction, and stands up well to foot traffic. Using the vector-based illustrator file of the Big Map allows you to print it to any size you choose. The only limitation is weight. Our map required a forklift to move it into position and many volunteers to unfold and fold it. Any sign maker or outdoor advertiser can guide you through the process and connect you with vendors to supply and print the vinyl flex to your specifications.
Archival Vietnam War Footage
A grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has made it possible for Wisconsin Public Television to make available to other public broadcasting stations nearly 29 hours of logged archival footage that we acquired for the production of Wisconsin Vietnam War Stories. These films have been digitized as QuickTime files and will be delivered on a portable hard drive. They cover the many years of the Vietnam War and include action in each of the military services, specific battles and military operations, training films and news reels. All of the footage comes from the National Archives and is in the public domain. This footage is being made available to public broadcasters for use in documentary productions for broadcast on public television stations, rights free, in perpetuity.
By the terms of the CPB grant, WPT is able to provide this logged archival footage to 100 public broadcasting stations at no charge. Requests beyond 100 will be charged $200 to cover duplication, the hard drive, shipping and handling.
WCNAM A01 French Indochina
WCNAM A02 Saigon Streets
WCNAM A03 Hamburger Hill
WCNAM A03 Marines Land at Chu Lai
WCNAM A03 Navy Film
WCNAM A04 Marines 1966
WCNAM A04 Marines County Fair
WCNAM A05 Air Force Electronic War
WCNAM A05 Korat Air Base
WCNAM A06 Air Force F105 Story
WCNAM A07 Air Force More F105 Story
WCNAM A08 4th DIV, Montagnards
WCNAM A09 Tunnel Rats
WCNAM A10 Viet Cong, Booby Traps
WCNAM A11 25th DIV, Jolly Green
WCNAM A12 Combat Infantry Soldier
WCNAM A13 USS Constellation
WCNAM A14 Khe Sanh
WCNAM A15 To Save a Soldier
WCNAM A16 Marines 67 PT 1
WCNAM A17 Marines 67 PT 2
WCNAM A18 NewsReels
WCNAM A19A Con Thien
WCNAM A20 Armed Forces News, 101st
WCNAM A21 Battle Region 1, Door Gunner
WCNAM A22 Montagnards, POW’s
WCNAM A23 Dewey Canyon, 173rd Robin Hoods
WCNAM A24 Army Action PT 1
WCNAM A25 Army Action PT 2
WCNAM A26 Operation Cedar Falls
WCNAM A27 1st DIV, Search & Destroy
WCNAM A29 Army Action, Pilot Air Rescue
WCNAM A30 Battle of Dak To, TET PT 1
WCNAM A31 Battle of Hue
WCNAM A32 Small Boat Warfare
WCNAM A33 Attack on Tan Son Nhut
WCNAM A34 AC-130 Gun Ship
WCNAM A37 Journey from Pha Dong

LZ Lambeau was a partnership of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs, the Wisconsin Historical Society and Wisconsin Public Television. In addition,the partners would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their support.
Lead Sponsors
Don and Roxanne Weber
Associated Bank
Major Sponsors
Ho-Chunk Nation
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Wisconsin Public Service Foundation
Kwik Trip
Forest County Potawatomi Foundation
Oshkosh Defense
General Motors Dealers of Northeast Wisconsin, Chevrolet, Buick, GMC Truck and Cadillac
Ron and Colleen Weyers
Oneida Nation
Philip J. and Elizabeth B. Hendrickson
Festival Foods
Hydrite Chemical Co.
Spirit of Milwaukee
Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
Additional Contributors
W.W. Grainger
Desert Vets of Wisconsin
Lowell and Mary Peterson
IKI Manufacturing
The Evjue Foundation
The Mielke Family Foundation
Robert & Patricia Endries Family Foundation Ltd.
Ron and Patty Anderson
American Family Insurance
George Kress Foundation
UW Green Bay’s Adult Degree Program
The Boldt Company
Credit Union Executives Society
Michels Corporation
Taco Bell
Tom Schober
Larry and Julie Midtbo
David Walsh
Irene D. Kress
Fred Johnson
US Sen. Herb Kohl & Kohl Charities
John E. Kuenzl Foundation, Inc
Friends of Wisconsin Public Television
In Kind Contributors
The Kress Inn, Schneider National, Lamers Bus Lines, MillerCoors, Jet Air Services, Executive Air, American Airlines, Jim’s Golf Cars, FABCO, Beacon Electric, Tundra Lodge, Grazies Italian Grill, Chili John’s, Fly Me Flag, Fast Signs Wisconsin Tavern League and Waste Management.
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