Wisconsin Muslim Project in Eau Claire


Sun, Aug 27, 2023 at 2:00 pm


University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, W.R. Davies Student Center, 77 Roosevelt Ave, Eau Claire, WI

Muslim family standing in a field of flowers.

Join PBS Wisconsin to celebrate the community and experience The Wisconsin Muslim Project off the screen!

Every Wisconsinite has a story. The stories of Muslim Wisconsinites make up an important part of communities across the state. From an up-close and authentic photography project to a Wisconsin Life episode, we are excited to have our local communities experience The Wisconsin Muslim Project! Light refreshments will be provided. And for the kiddos, a PBS Kids room for event breaks and coloring will be available.

Funded by a grant from the Doris Duke Foundation through the Building Bridges Program, The Wisconsin Muslim Project brings together three Wisconsin-based partners, each of whom brings a unique focus and expertise to stimulating connections between Wisconsin’s Muslim and non-Muslim populations, and encouraging us to obtain greater knowledge about, empathy for, and appreciation of one another. PBS Wisconsin tells the stories of Wisconsin through the voices of its citizens and uses all available platforms to reach our communities, including the state’s 60,000 K–12 teachers. The Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition brings more than 25 years of experience promoting cultural literacy, celebrating diversity, and building bridges of understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims throughout Wisconsin. Composed of people from diverse backgrounds who are dedicated to combating hate, bigotry, and racism, We Are Many – United Against Hate is a statewide organization with significant experience connecting Muslim and non-Muslim populations.

The event is open house style from 2pm to 6pm, so you’re welcome to come and go as you’re able.

Gallery photos by Lila Aryan Photography.