May Programs Honor Asian Pacific Americans

April 28, 2021

Celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month with these programs highlighting the culture, traditions and history of Asian Americans and Pacific…

Sundays in May are for the Arts!

April 27, 2021

Musical performances, theatrical masterpieces and a visit to one of the world’s most renowned art museums – here’s what is…

Escape to the Chateau, Life at the Waterhole, and More New Series and Seasons Airing in May!

April 26, 2021

In addition to Inside the Met and One Voice: The Songs We Share, check out these new series and seasons…

Celebrate National Poetry Month With the Kids in Your Life

April 14, 2021

April is National Poetry Month! What better way to celebrate the joy and expressiveness of this special form of literature…

Happy National Poetry Month!

April 7, 2021

April is National Poetry Month – a month to honor and celebrate poets, past and present, and their craft. PBS…

PBS Wisconsin Programs Celebrate Hmong Culture in Wisconsin

April 7, 2021

In honor of April as Hmong Heritage Month in Wisconsin, PBS Wisconsin invites you to celebrate the vibrant, resilient and…

Preview the New Series and Seasons Coming to PBS Wisconsin in April

March 30, 2021

PBS Wisconsin welcomes April with a full month of new programs and seasons. Along with World War II programming, Escape…

‘Hemingway’ Premieres April 5 on PBS Wisconsin

March 22, 2021

Ernest Hemingway, considered one of the greatest American writers and among the first to live and work at the connection…