Tomah, WI
Baking Challenge
Layered Meringue Dessert
Give your dessert a clever name – and tell us about your recipe.
Blackberry Meringue Delight – I colored my meringue layers pink and flavored them with raspberry extract. (I often make pink meringue cookies with the recipe I used for this challenge.) For the cream layer, I added mascarpone to the whipped cream to give those layers a more intense taste.
What was the biggest surprise during your baking journey? Did you use any unconventional approaches? What did you learn along the way? Tell us about it!
I was really surprised – after I finally got up the courage to attempt what looked like a very difficult challenge! – that once I had three meringue disks out of the oven that weren’t not cracked or broken, it was so easy to assemble the dessert. I think I whipped the cream to the right consistency, because it didn’t ooze out of the edges. Most recipes for meringue desserts use white meringue, but I wanted to add a little eye candy to my creation.
How did you add a Wisconsin twist to your flavors or decoration?
I used egg whites from a family farm for the meringue layers; I topped the dessert with a rose from my porch trellis.
How did you do?
Pleasantly satisfied.
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