Nicole from Wausau, WI (2018 Week 9: Patisserie)




Wausau, WI

Baking Challenge

Fraisier Cake

Have fun giving your creation a name and please describe your recipe.

Fraisier Cake — I followed Mary Berry’s recipe but changed up the creme patisserie to a fluffy pastry cream — still added in the kirsch, though!

Tell us about your creation's final texture after baking. Are you happy with it?

I felt perhaps my genoise sponge was bit on the over-baked side and a little dry, even with the lemon syrup. Beyond that, though, everything is perfection.

Detail how you added a Wisconsin twist to your flavors or presentation.

Not much of a twist. Just Wisconsin milk and cream as well as eggs from my chickens.

How did you do?

Rocked it.