Michaleen from Portage, WI (2017 Week 6: Botanical)




Portage, WI

Baking Challenge

3-Tiered Floral Cake

Give your botanical creation a clever name – and tell us about your recipe.

Lavender Lemon Bomb Cake

Any disasters? Did you take any risks? Proudest moment? Lessons learned the hard way? Tell us about it.

I have never in my life used a double boiler as many times in two days as I have the last two. It was my first time making (or tasting!) lemon curd and I have to say its delicious!

How did you add a Wisconsin twist to your flavors or decoration?

I used edible lavender in my lemon curd from Rowley Creek Farm outside of Baraboo and edible violets from my own backyard as decoration!

How did you do?

Absolutely lovely.