Jean from Madison, WI (2018 Week 6: Puddings)




Madison, WI

Baking Challenge

Queen of Puddings

Give your dessert a clever name – and tell us about your recipe.

Cranberry Walnut Queen of Puddings – The custard is a mix of cranberry walnut bread crumbs, lemon zest, butter, egg yolks, and lactose-free milk. Highbush cranberry jam tops the custard, and a meringue tops the pudding.

What was the biggest surprise during your baking journey? Did you use any unconventional approaches? What did you learn along the way? Tell us about it!

As I've never made it before, I didn't know how to tell when the custard was cooked – "until custard is set but not browned" was my repeated mantra. I may be saying it in my sleep tonight. And converting 180 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit resulted in 356 degrees – suffice to say our 1957 Westinghouse wall oven does not provide this level of accuracy!

How did you add a Wisconsin twist to your flavors or decoration?

Middleton's Clasens European Bakery is the source of the cranberry walnut bread, and the homemade highbush cranberry jam was made locally.

How did you do?

Pleasantly satisfied.