Christine from Madison, WI (2018 Week 5: Pies)




Madison, WI

Baking Challenge

American Pie

Give your pie a name based on the ingredients and decoration.

Shawano County Black-Raspberry Barn Quilt Pie

Tell us about your proudest moment – or humble failure – in this week’s baking challenge.

In general, the pie was really tasty. Crust Flaky. Just had a little too much juice. Next time I'll add more cornstarch. I really liked how the quilt design turned out! The trick was to use a sugar/water spray on top of the crust instead of an egg wash. That trick helped keep the colored crust. However, I'm not sure I'd do it again. I personally like plain, old-fashioned crusts.

Describe how you added a Wisconsin twist to your creation.

My Wisconsin twist is decorating the pie crust to honor the Barn Quilts. I grew up in Shawano and have enjoyed seeing many Barn Quilts appear over the past several years. I also used Black-Raspberries from our property in Shawano. Grandpa Koch kindly picked a bunch for me. And they were delish!

How did you do?

Rocked it.