Busy Bee Bakers from Madison WI (2018 Week 5: Pies)


Busy Bee Bakers


Madison WI

Baking Challenge

Hand-Raised Pie

Give your pie a name based on the ingredients and decoration.

Oktober Fest Pie

Tell us about your proudest moment – or humble failure – in this week’s baking challenge.

We've never made this sort of pie before and were very pleased that it turned out so much nicer than we had anticipated. It looked terrific, tasted good and held up both warm and cold.

Describe how you added a Wisconsin twist to your creation.

We used organic pork seasoned with bratwurst seasoning from Blanchardville, local potatoes, both red cabbage and sauerkraut, and apples to make a complete Oktober Fest meal in a pie.

How did you do?

Rocked it.