Ainsley & Cammy from Sun Prairie, WI (2018 Week 7: Sweet Dough)


Ainsley & Cammy


Sun Prairie, WI

Baking Challenge

Sweet Buns

Give your creation a name – and tell us about your recipe.

Leia Buns – Star Wars is #1 in our house. Five years ago, my son (Ainsley’s brother) had a Star Wars themed birthday and one treat was semi-homemade mini-Leia buns. We opted for a very traditional cinnamon roll recipe, which worked out so well. Even though we had lots of time constraints this week and were making them at 10 pm on Saturday, we are thrilled with the outcome.

Now that you’ve survived this challenge, what words of wisdom can you share?

The dental floss trick to cut the dough works, much to our surprise. Also, we like using a flour sack towel to roll out the dough, as it does save some clean-up effort.

Tell us about how you added a Wisconsin twist.

We used lots of Wisconsin butter and cream cheese..

How did you do?

Rocked it.