Ainsley & Cammy from Sun Prairie, WI (2018 Week 6: Puddings)


Ainsley & Cammy


Sun Prairie, WI

Baking Challenge


Give your dessert a clever name – and tell us about your recipe.

At first we tried apples and then we went nuts! We tried two very “typisch” recipes, as I studied in Vienna, a city known for their coffee houses and the delicious desserts they serve. We did omit the raisins from the apple strudel, as no one is a fan of them in our house. The apple rolled up very nicely. The nussstrudel is a mix of pecans and almonds. This tasted wonderful, but was quite hideous. The egg white, sugar and nut filling was very similar to our attempt at the Esterhazy torte.

What was the biggest surprise during your baking journey? Did you use any unconventional approaches? What did you learn along the way? Tell us about it!

We discovered that rolling our dough on a floured flour sack towel worked great for rolling it up and clean up as well!

How did you add a Wisconsin twist to your flavors or decoration?

The slits we made in the apple strudel spelled WISCO, but you couldn’t tell that upon baking. If you look carefully, you’ll see the W in the nussstrudel.

How did you do?

It’s not pretty, but it’s edible.