Saying Farewell to Downton Abbey
March 9, 2016 Leave a Comment
As of 10 p.m. Sunday night, the phenomenon known as Downton Abbey is officially over. I’m a Downton fan (see: The Downton Dish), so I spent my weekend trying to squeeze in as much Downton as possible before the finale.
My all-things-Downton weekend included attending Wisconsin Public Television’s A Downton Abbey Farewell fundraising event, held Saturday night at the University Club in Madison. It was so much fun to mingle with fellow fans, dress up in 1920s attire and enjoy Downton-themed food and music. The amazing team that puts the event together really goes all out to give guests the complete Downton Abbey experience, and the excitement was contagious. (View photos from Saturday’s event here).
The show might be over, but our love of Downton Abbey doesn’t have to stop. Check out Masterpiece’s The Downton Abbey Connection to stay connected to your favorite characters, hear from other fans, take Downton-inspired quizzes to find out if you’re a superfan, and more!
Fellow Downton fans: We’ll get through this.
Masterpiece downton abbey Downton downton abbey: the final season A Downton Abbey Farewell