For More Information: Lynn Brockmeyer, publicist, 608-263-3364, [email protected] Mary Pokorney-Donelan, WPT producer, 608-262-6456, [email protected] This April, Wisconsin Public Television's Director's Cut interviews three independent filmmakers followed by a presentation their films. At 9 p.m. Thursday, April 14, Director's Cut Host Charles Monroe-Kane interviews Paul Hill and Joan Juster, directors of the film "Alaska Far Away." At 9:30 p.m., Director's Cut Presents features "Alaska Far Away." In the midst of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal gave 202 destitute Midwestern farm families a chance to start over in Alaska. The film weaves together personal accounts, archival footage, photographs, diaries and news stories to document the effects of this bold social experiment. At 9 p.m. Thursday, April 21, Director's Cut offers an interview with filmmaker Michael Gorrie followed at 9:30 p.m. by a presentation of his film, "Nothing Personal," on Director's Cut Presents. The film is showcases the relationships between two couples — a manipulative novelist who is married to a timid wife and her friend who is overweight, lazy and dating a perfectionist with an eating disorder. At 9 p.m. Thursday, April 28, Director's Cut interviews Jim Rivett and Shelly Young creators of the film "Westbound." At 9:30 p.m. Director's Cut Presents will show "Westbound," a film about Adolph Vandertie. A hobo who faced a lifetime of hardship, Vandertie whittled more than 4,000 pieces of art now preserved by Wisconsin's John Kohler Art Museum. WPT is a service of the Educational Communications Board and the University of Wisconsin-Extension. Wisconsin Public Television is a place to grow through learning on WHA-TV/Madison; WPNE-TV/Green Bay; WHRM-TV/Wausau; WLEF-TV/Park Falls; WHLA-TV/La Crosse; and WHWC-TV/Menomonie-Eau Claire.
Release Date: Tue, Mar 29, 2011
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