Daniel Tiger at school with friends

Empowering little learners (and grown-ups) with big feelings about starting school

August 15, 2024 Marci Glaus Leave a Comment

If you anticipate some big feelings about starting school for a child in your family or close circle, you are not alone. My four-year-old was ready to get on the bus years ago when her big brother began that rite of passage, so I anticipate some big feelings resting mostly on my heart, though heavy demands like putting on our shoes and actually getting out the door to board the bus can induce big feelings too. For this, I have the PBS KIDS Routines and Transitions collection queued up and ready to go.

Whether it’s establishing a morning routine, riding the bus or saying goodbye at drop off, PBS KIDS brings the starting school magic for children and adults.

Empower little learners

Before learning to spell their names, children can contribute to setting up new routines and preparing for everyday transitions. The PBS KIDS back-to-school checklists provide space to talk about bedtime, morning tasks, teacher names, packing backpacks and more. With a quick and empowering checkmark, little ones can take ownership of their new routines and prepare for the school year.

Grown-ups come back

The little ditty “Grown-ups Come Back” from Daniel Tiger can turn into a comfy refrain for children who may need reminding that their grown-up comes back after they go away to work or school. You can reinforce the message with the Saying Goodbye at School video clip where Daniel struggles with his dad leaving at school drop-off time. Keep the conversation going with the related questions you can ask about your child’s first day to practice expressing feelings, listening and encouraging memory skills.

It’s all in the routine

There are several kid-tested games set around routines! Many focus on the important steps involved in a process. You and your child can help Elmo make decisions about playing together at different school play stations, assist Daniel Tiger and friends sort out classroom helper roles, or even help get Daniel ready for bedtime.

Finally, if you do miss the bus (or trolley), know that Daniel Tiger has too. His morning routine song may be the thing to help everyone get the routine: 🎶 “clothes on, eat breakfast, brush teeth, put on shoes and go to school.”

For more ideas and resources for starting school, check out the PBS KIDS for Parents post, You are Brave and Kind: Helping Your Child Get Ready for the First Day of School.

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