Kim from Hudson, WI (2017 Week 6: Botanical)




Hudson, WI

Baking Challenge

Citrus Meringue Pie

Give your botanical creation a clever name – and tell us about your recipe.

Lemon Violet Lavender Meringue Pie

Any disasters? Did you take any risks? Proudest moment? Lessons learned the hard way? Tell us about it.

First time making a lemon meringue pie, and I took risks with adding violet elixirs to the filling and lavender to the meringue. I might have to try this again to perfect the flavors.

How did you add a Wisconsin twist to your flavors or decoration?

I used violet elixir (bought in Door County) to add to the lemon filling, and I used culinary lavender, from Washington Island, Door County, to add to my sugar for the meringue.

How did you do?

Pleasantly satisfied.