Ainsley & Cammy from Sun Prairie, WI (2018 Week 2: Bread)


Ainsley & Cammy


Sun Prairie, WI

Baking Challenge

Eights Strand Plaited Loaf and 24 Bagels

Give your bread a name and tell us about your recipe.

Asiago for the Win and French Toast for Breakfast

Would you describe yourself as a rogue baker, or do you strictly adhere to the recipe?

Mostly a strict adherence to the recipe.

Tell us about how you added a Wisconsin twist to your bread creation.

For our bread we added asiago and parmesan, which was a hit amongst our entire family. For our savory bagel, we did asiago and the sweet is a french toast bagel with Skinny Sticks maple syrup, a small, woman-run Wisconsin company.

How did you do?

Pleasantly satisfied.