Barbie from Madison, WI (2018 Week 3: Tarts)




Madison, WI

Baking Challenge

Designer Fruit Tart

Give your tarts a name based on the flavors and decoration – and tell us about your recipe.

Brandy Old Fashioned Tart

Now that you survived this challenge, what words of wisdom do you have to share?

Make enough pastry to fit your tin, or you will be making a second pastry! However, if you do find yourself with an extra shell, it is very tasty on its own!

Tell us about how you added a Wisconsin twist.

How can you be more Wisconsin than a brandy old fashioned? I made a short crust pastry with orange zest. I added brandy, orange, and cherry juice to the vanilla custard. The garnish? Look at that cute orange peel rose, and like I always order, extra cherries please!

How did you do?

Rocked it.