Hannah from Madison, WI (2018 Week 5: Pies)




Madison, WI

Baking Challenge

American Pie

Give your pie a name based on the ingredients and decoration.

Mini Fruit Pies: Strawberry-Raspberry-Rhubarb and Blueberry

Tell us about your proudest moment – or humble failure – in this week’s baking challenge.

It was so fun to do mini lattice work. I’ve never made pie this small!

Describe how you added a Wisconsin twist to your creation.

For these mini pies I used a recipe by “Fresh from Oregon.” One of my best friends here is from Oregon originally, but she’s a Sconnie for life now! I’m so thankful that graduate school and jobs attract people to Wisconsin from all over the country and world. I used rhubarb from a friend’s garden, butter from Wauyewega, WI, plus raspberries and blueberries from a weekend wedding trip to Michigan. The fresh Midwest flavors really pop and taste amazing!

How did you do?

Rocked it.